so its been quite a while since i last blogged. life sometimes takes over. i am currently under a crunch to find a new apartment..a cheap apartment..a clean apartment..bigger than the size of my childhood bedroom apartment...and an apartment with, dum duh dum....a STOVE. could it honestly be possible that people are seriously renting apartments without any stove or means for cooking???? i have come to terms with the fact that i will be paying substantially more than what i pay now for half the size. i can live with a small space, im more concerned that my cat cannot and will go crazy with no space to run around and therefore hang from the ceiling ten times what she does now. but come on..not even a range top!? for the last 2 years ive lived with no oven to bake but i do have a stove top, a range to cook atop. i am well aware that i am no gourmet cook, much unlike my mother and two sisters. i can live with that and honestly i dont care much for cooking. im looking forward to one day finding a man who will whip up my dinners. but i cant come to grips with having to plug in a hot plate in order to make my chick peas and rice. what am i back in college warming ramon noddles??? no. and i seriously dont want to regress back to that time in my life thru a hot plate. so. i have decided to protest all prospective apartment that do not include at least what i have now, a range. no matter how cheap or cute the place may be. i spend enough money on dunkin daily that im not gna waste my money even more on breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day. so yes i am celebrating the stove today in all my undomesticness because i never realized how dear to my heart they now are and how passionate i have become about them.