Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
heres my heart. random.
Monday, February 15, 2010
a lapse in painters block
its become a tradition thus far that when a friend or family member gets married my gift is a painting. my sister got married in october. i went giftless. for some reason i blocked halfway through the work. i tried working relentlessly the few days before trying to get things done but without painting for painting sake. i am devoted to keeping these paintings in the style of reason..if that makes any literal sense. usually when i do a piece for someone specific the work takes form on its own and its usually symbolic of the individual or my own ideas on the essense of the individual. well for some reason i blocked on my own sister. whom i love dearly and know from the inside to out. this should have been easy but..no progress came. and so, about 4 months later..i am suddenly working it out and without force. so this is what i am working on now, the procrastination has stopped, along with the covering the canvas with fabric(out of sight, out of guilt radar). gift is not yet ready for giving so here are details (just in case the sister really does read the blog)to prove im working and will eventually fulfill my promise.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
some more of my forgotten babies
more oldies from the attic. why didnt i continue this wax idea????! looking back i do remember making these. they are way small. like maybe 3x3 in? & i think the wax was really due to boredom but im liken it now..gonna have to revisit that with new work. im loving that seeing this older work is like seein it for the first time. its making me want to work more and more,,back to when i used to just do whatever without so much thinking. just create work. my new mantra
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
in love with old artwork
lately ive been thinking to myself..i have made some art...where the hell is it??!! it seems it had been forgotten and taken up permanant residence in my parents attic. oh yea..i did create some art. and oohhhh yea..i used to be a complete rockstar with the sketchbooks. how did i have the time for so much drawing? well..it couldda been that i was an absolute slacker starting off this past decade..well well guess slacking was detrimental to putting off my life in general but way enthusiastic in the art dept. hello old art ive missed u. <3
looks like this time im lookin at myself as inspiration way to go me
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